David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He once biked 200km for cancer research.
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Easy as pie

You may know me to cook as follows: chop everything up, throw everything into a frying pan, serve.  When it comes to food, I value speed, volume, and frugality.  It’s no wonder baking a pie for a potluck wasn’t exactly up my alley.

Right before I had to bake the pie, I was writing up some code for my latest hack project.  I kept delaying the inevitable because it seemed so daunting to me - how does one bake a pie?!  I’d rather stick with code - at least it tells me when I’m doing something wrong.

A couple hours before we had to leave, my girlfriend finally said to me, “You know all those codes and commands you type onto the black screen and out comes a website?  If you can do that, you can bake a pie.”  Well said.  A year ago, I did not know how to program and after going to Dev Bootcamp apparently now I’m one of the top 8% most active Ruby users on GitHub.  Someone even made a jingle about me.  With a little persistence and patient guidance, the mysterious can be made easy.

The picture is actually the pie I made!  I think it’s too sour and some parts are a little burnt, but those things can be refactored.  The important lesson is that running away from the unknown only makes it more scary.  Once you face it, it can be as easy as pie.

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David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He used to make his own POG slammers.