David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He was once chased by a hippo.
It's alive!

So after toiling for an entire day, our first app is finally live!  It might look scary (especially under the hood…) but hey, we have to live with our creations.

It’s a simple Craigslist (or Kevid’s List since I worked on it with Kevin).  The link is: http://kevidslist.herokuapp.com/

Feel free to add posts!  Keep it clean, or Kevin and I will db:drop your ass.

The creation of the app was about half the battle.  The rest of the battle was the look and feel / getting the site loaded to Heroku.  By the way, there may or may not be something awesome hidden on the site…

Humans sweat for a reason – so that when the wind blows, we feel cool.  So I think it’s a good thing that we get frustrated and annoyed when something doesn’t work.  That way, when the cool breeze of success hits, you feel extra refreshed.

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David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He practices magic tricks on the toilet.