David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He once scaled down a level 5 mountain with no harness on (by accident).
My True Colours

What colour is that truck?  What colour is my shirt?  What colour is [insert random coloured item within sight of the curious protagonist]?

That’s right, welcome to my life.

My name is David, and I am a deuteranope, meaning I am red-green colour blind.  Don’t feel sorry for me or be scared if you’re in a car I’m driving – it hardly affects my life, including my ability to tell traffic lights apart (explanation).  It’s not that bad.

For example, imagine a painter with a full palette of colours.  Now imagine a painter with the same palette, except without green.  Arguably, both painters can still paint equally good paintings.  One of the painters just has to explain why his trees are blue, or black, or Hamster Cuddles.  A whole new world can be opened with this different perspective that – whether or not it was by choice – may make that painter’s work more interesting.  Similarly, with this “disability”, my mind has merely been forced to be more creative.  Taking it further, if I have a “disability” in physics, or French, or some other subject, perhaps that can be overcome with a little ingenuity.

So even though the image above is a bunch of dots to me, and not the number “45″ that 94% of guys and almost 100% of girls see, I see something greater.  I see the possibility to turn every defect into an advantage.

Subscribe if I made ya think
David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He double knots his shoelaces.