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David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. His favourite season is autumn.
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Subway as a software

I had Subway twice today - lunch and dinner. Same sandwich too. Kind of sad, but whatever. At least I got an idea for a blog post.

People always rave about how great Subway is and I agree. Healthy, affordable, filling - my main criteria when evaluating what to eat. I’ve never thought much about the operations of it all though. I was staring at the boxes of veggies and thought to myself, “this looks like a piece of software”.

One great advantage Subway has is that it can easily swap out an empty veggie box with a full one and carry on. The boxes can be re-ordered, new boxes can be added if new veggies are introduced, and I imagine they’re easy to clean and store. Very modular - just like good software.

A modular business can be powerful in its adaptability. Something like Project Ara, which allows you to build your own phone based on the components you want. Not every business can do this, but I believe the more modular a business is, the faster it can adapt to its environment.


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David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He made his own alarm system for his room.